Codematics 2015

Ended 10 years ago


  • Problem #112 was inaccurate during the contest and hence has been removed. This doesn't affect the final scores in any way. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • Rules

  • One point will be awarded for solving a problem.
  • Users will be ranked according to the number of problems solved.
  • Ties will be broken on the basis of total time taken from start of competition.
  • There is no penalty for incorrect answers.
  • You can check the local start time in your city here.

    Problems have been set by Programming & Algorithms Group, IIT Roorkee.

    Chat with problem setters on

    13 March 2015, 03:30:00 PM UTC to 14 March 2015, 03:30:00 PM UTC
    214 participants
    2865 submissions
    Won by Suraj Gupta
