Project Gauss 2015
Problem #85 onwards are based on the tasks Hercules had to accomplish under the orders of the king Eurystheus. There are a total of nine tasks.
Problems have been set by the Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee.
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Competition has ended.
- #79
- #80
Piles of Stones
- #81
Hide and Seek
- #82
Pebble Trouble
- #83
Fresh from the Oven
- #84
The Gobbler
- #85
The Stymphalean Birds
- #86
The Augean Stables
- #87
The Flock of Geryon
- #88
The Cretan Bull
- #89
The Horses of Diomedes
- #90
Capture of Cerberus
- #91
The Girdle of Hippolyta
- #92
The Apples of the Hesperides
- #93
The Ceryneian Hind