Project Gauss 2015

Ended 10 years ago

Problem #85 onwards are based on the tasks Hercules had to accomplish under the orders of the king Eurystheus. There are a total of nine tasks.


  • One point will be awarded for solving a problem.
  • Users will be ranked according to the number of problems solved.
  • Ties will be broken on the basis of total time taken from start of competition.
  • There is no penalty for incorrect answers.
  • Problems have been set by the Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee.

    Reach out to problem setters on

    You can check the local start time in your city here.

    16 February 2015, 05:30:00 PM UTC to 17 February 2015, 05:30:00 PM UTC
    352 participants
    3982 submissions
    Won by Nihal Nanecha
