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Problem #33

Angriff der Nazis

In the quiet little mountain town of South Park, there is a square wheat farm ABCD (sides parallel to N-S & E-W directions) with A being towards North-West and A-B-C-D being in clockwise order. The town is attacked by Nazi Bombers and 5 bombs are dropped on the field. Each bomb burns the crop in a radius of 12 km. First bomb is dropped at a point O such that AO is 34 km, BO is 40 km and CO is 26 km. Other bombs are dropped 10 km north, 15 km south, 30 km east and 27 km west, respectively of O.

Find the area of unburnt crop in the farm rounded upto 3 decimal places.

Contributed by Varun Syal

Solved by 10 users

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