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Problem #300

Being the CR

You are the CR of your class. One day, 5000 students of your class gathered in a row. The professor assigned you to arrange the students in increasing order of their enrollment number.

For rearranging students you follow the given strategy:

1. Start from the beginning of the row.

2. Inspect the first two students' enrollment numbers and swap them if second student’s enrollment number < first student’s enrollment number.

3. Repeat Step 2 for (2^{nd} student ,3^{rd} student), (3^{rd} student, 4^{th} student) and so on.

You decide to follow the above strategy 2022 times.

Find the number of different initial arrangements of students that will lead to a sorted sequence after the whole process.Report the answer modulo 1000000007.

Contributed by Ashutosh Singh

Solved by 13 users

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